Manufactured By: Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Scientific HAAKE RheoWin Screen Shot 1

Thermo Scientific HAAKE RheoWin is a modular software package, which can be upgraded when new hardware is available. Drivers are available for all current HAAKE rheometers and viscometers.

The HAAKE RheoWin software has plug in programs available, which include, RheoWin Pro, RheoWin QC, RheoWin OS, PolySoft, and RheoWizard.

• RheoWin JobManager for manual instrument control, automated measuring routines (“jobs”) and report printout or export
• RheoWin DataManager for interactive evaluation of measured data as well as sophisticated tools for creating reports and generating templates for graphs, tables and screen views
• RheoWin UserManager for comprehensive user management regarding user access control and assignment of specific access rights

• Manual control for preliminary testing, for displaying selected parameters and for saving manually acquired data
• Convenient creation and customisation of measuring jobs using predefined measuring and evaluation elements via “drag and drop” techniques
• Fully automated measuring, data evaluation and documentation within a job
• Real multitasking – simultaneous measurements using several instruments and data evaluation
• Freely configurable data export (ASCII, Excel, etc.)
• Filing graphs in various formats (pdf, etc.)
• Numerous algorithms for data analysis (e.g. interpolation, regression and automated quality control)
• Automated backup file generation for retrieval of configuration data
• Availability of saving the raw data and numerical values for quality control purposes

• User-defined definitions of paths and subdirectories for data filing
• Push-button selection of one out of 12 languages
• Modular generation of a file name and automated filing in a predefined subdirectory
• Selectable units and arbitrary labelling of axis
• Links to data bases (SAP, LIMS, etc.)
• Online display of all corrections to improve measuring data (Micro Stress Control)
• Snap-shot-test for quick characterization of an unknown sample
• RheoWizard help feature for expert knowledge to set up a measuring job
• Customisable report templates to permit the use of custom logos and text

Optional tools
• Efficient tool to make HAAKE RheoWin compliant with FDA 21 CFR Part 11
• Polymer software consisting of TTS (Time Temperature Superposition) to generate master curves, spectra and MWD (Molecular Weight Distribution)

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Item Size Download
Product Brochure 203kb Download

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