Technical Report – How To Relate Test Results Of A Torque Rheometer To Problems In Elastometer Processing
An overview of different test methods to provide an idea on how torque rheometer test results can solve your production problems is now available in a technical report.
High quality standards of elastomers, elastomer compounds and their final products have to be realised at the lowest possible price, because the competitive situation and the requirements have increased significantly during the past eight to ten years.
This leads to the necessity of optimising the development process from the compound design to the presentation of the new product.
All activities surrounding compounding (design, mixing and extrusion) are especially time and money consuming. Eg: How often do you have to run a compound on a production scale machine until it suits your specifications and processing capabilities? As a result, more and more manufacturers have started to bring compound-development and processing closer together and are actively looking for methods of linking laboratory scaled test results with production experience.
To meet these requirements test methods and development tools have to be meaningful and process related. The documentation of test results and a comparison to accepted standards and tolerance levels is a must in order to meet the requirements stipulated by different quality standards like – SPC, ISO 9000
The technical report written by HAAKE provides an overview of different test methods and gives you an idea how torque rheometer test results can solve your production problems.
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